Tuesday, November 29, 2011

cleaning out the cobwebs.

the last couple of days have been weird. sort of disorganized and discombobulated. i haven't gotten much done, and feel unmotivated. not good. so, i thought i would clean out my studio corner. i have been moving a couple of storage totes of projects and fabric around the house for a few days and i realized i needed to organize things. i have to do this at least once a month. i'm not working with very much space and it doesn't take much (a couple good frenzied searches for that grey canvas) and it's all out of whack. my big idea was to take pictures and show the improvement. although.....

during the clean-up....

after. much of the magic that was done cannot be seen by the naked eye.

.........can you tell the difference? maybe not, but my brain will, and everything should work a lot smoothly tomorrow. now, if i can manage to not stay up 'til 3 am watching 'breaking bad'.......

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing other people's work spaces. And the before picture looks a lot more familiar to me in terms of my own space :):)
